Quit Smoking

You can now stop smoking for good with the easiest and most successfully proven system ever

Are you determined to quit smoking?

Want to stop smoking for good? Want to know the best way to quit smoking?

Want to stop smoking but…

I recognise the ‘buts’ and the difficulties people have quitting smoking. Let’s deal with them here and now in the comfort of your own environment. It will take less than 5 minutes.
The thousands of smokers I have dealt with have told me of their struggles to quit. No matter what statistics, doctors, governments, scientists and everybody else tell you about how smoking is so bad for you, the combined smoking habit and addiction is terribly hard to break without the right help.
However with a unique approach which has helped thousands of people to successfully quit smoking can work for you as well. The wonderful thing is that it is done in one session and there are now withdrawal symptoms, just a wonderful sense of relief and freedom.

There comes a time when it is right for you to become a non-smoker. Could that be now?

To find out consider the following steps.

Step 1. Ask yourself the following questions to see if the time is right for you to become a non- smoker.

  •  Is it me or someone else who wants me to stop smoking?
  • Are previous failed attempts to stop preventing me from stopping now?
  • Am I avoiding the fear of craving, withdrawal symptoms, or weight gain I experienced when trying to stop in the past?
  • Am I discouraged or embarrassed by previous failures.
  • Is there more to my smoking habit than lighting up and drawing tobacco smoke into my lungs.

Step 2. Deal with any obstacles that may be in your way.

Some people make a decision and just stop smoking. However if your experience tells you that won’t work for you, see it as just another obstacle that needs to be overcome. If you can’t overcome it on your own you are not a failure, it simply means that it’s time to decide you need help like so many others to remove this obstacle. Accept that all obstacles can be removed and move on to the next step.

Step 3. Look at the available options to help you quit.

  • There is medication route with its nasty side effects and poor success rate. Doctor’s expertise or training no matter how good does not include helping people to stop smoking. If a medical prescription or approach worked there would be very few smokers.
  • Nicotine patches or chewing gum. Ingesting nicotine in another way rather than smoking it is hardly an intelligent way to overcome a nicotine addiction or satisfy the habitual aspect of smoking. Chewing or patching won’t replace the satisfaction or habitual need of smoking.
  • Vaping. That’s doing what you have been doing, namely ‘smoking’ in another way. Japanese government commissioned findings show that ‘Vaping’ can be even more damaging to your health than regular smoking.
  • The key to success is to completely remove the craving, the potential for withdrawal, or weight gain and eliminate the habit all together in one go.This needs to be done at both the conscious and the unconscious levels at the same time.

Step 4. Take action.

People try to stop smoking with everything including prescription drugs, some with life threatening side effects.

Those methods offer little or no success and people generally end up smoking and frustrated. Every time they try, their mind sabotages them and People deserve better.
Now there is a solution that works for all who have experienced disappointment. The key to success is in removing the minds ‘smoking programme’ and ‘inner saboteur’. Unless these are dealt with success is unlikely. The subconscious mind contains the smoking addictive habit or programme and therein is the key to resolving the problem and achieving freedom from smoking once and for all.

Hypnosis and NLP in combination are by far the easiest and most successful way to stop smoking for good.

Discover hypnosis and hypnotherapy

Hypnosis can help stop smoking forever in just one hour

Stop trying- quit smoking for good!

Hypnosis and NLP therapy that can help you quit smoking effortlessy.

Internationally renowned Clinical Hypnotherapist Tom Ryan has developed a highly successful way to enable all smokers to become permanent non-smokers. He is now operating ‘Stop Smoking Clinics’ throughout Ireland, The UK, and Europe.

Total Mind Dynamics and Tom Ryan have been helping people stop smoking with holographic hypnotherapy and NLP for over 30 years.

Tom Ryan has become known as the “Ireland’s Stop Smoking Guru”

He has created a powerful specialised Hypnotherapeutic  treatment for smoking cessation and addiction control specially designed for those that want to get rid cigarettes for good and live a more healthier life.

Doctors are so impressed with Tom’s methods that they are referring more and more of their patients, who are able to stop smoking effortlessy.

All treatments are one-to-one confidential private basis and most importantly – sucessfull!

“All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the experience. One hour later you will be a non smoker!”