Experience Life Between Lives

What is Life Between Lives Regression, what does it do and what are its benefits?

Life Between Lives is an additional ‘place’ of exploration during a Past Life Regression session. It provides you with the opportunity to access, experience and review spiritual wisdom related to your personal experiences through and between many lives. There, you can also discover your eternal identity, bringing understanding, wisdom, healing and an expansion of consciousness into your present life. Accessing the inner wisdom, peace and guidance that is available from our higher mind and our soul between lifetimes can give us invaluable guidance and direction for our present life. It can provide you with clarity regarding the spiritual nature of your existence.

Life Between Lives

Life Between Lives’ is experiencing the sensation of being a ‘Pure Energy Being’ between temporal lives or incarnations. It is facilitated by a gentle hypnotic process that guides you into your personal ‘Between Lives’ experience and connects you with your ‘true self’.

In this state, higher levels of mind are accessed which in turn enable you to experience your non-bodily experience of being between lives. The LBL experience can offer a direct connection experience with your higher self and spiritual guides where you may receive insights and messages of wisdom that are applicable in your present life.

Your Immortal Identity

This is where you get to experience your ‘Immortal Identity’. It is wonderfully empowering to discover that you are so much more than the limitations of your present physical identity. Each of us is a vast combination of experiences and learnings from numerous lives and non-bodily existences. Each life consists of its own unique set of experiences embodying a vast variety of lessons. From them, our eternal inner self embraces and learns in its quest for growth and development. LBL sessions can enlighten us and enhance our connection with our eternal consciousness and our true self.

Life Between Lives and You

The LBL experience has enhanced the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Total Mind Dynamics offers you a world class experience in your journey of exploration, discovery and healing.

The LBL Experience Offers

  • an empowering sense of purpose and your place and role in this life
  • a greater perception of your abilities, potential and who you really are
  • wisdom and enlightenment from the sum total of all your past lives
  • insights enabling you to make sense of your present life’s experiences
  • a sense of eternity or eternal continuity and an end to the fear of physical death
  • new understanding of your relationship to yourself, your experiences and your potential
  • co-operation and integration of mind, body and spirit.
  • Inner and physical healing and expansion of consciousness.


Questions People Have About (LBL) Life Between Lives

Q: Is it only achieved or done with hypnosis?

A: Apart from very rare spontaneous ‘between lives experiences’ hypnosis is the only sure way to engage in, enjoy and learn from such an experience.


Q: Can everyone experience ‘Life Between Lives’?

A: Yes. Everyone is capable of experiencing it and it is recommended as beneficial but it is a matter of personal choice.

Q: What do I need to do, to have an LBL experience?

A.The willingness to engage in it through the facilitation of hypnosis. It is always done as an addition to a ‘Past Life Regression’ experience?

Q: Is there the possibility of re-experiencing trauma from the past?

A: Not with a professional facilitator who insures that you do not relive such experiences. You are carefully guided into an overviewing place of safety, comfort, understanding and empowerment. Only when it is comfortable and safe are you fully integrated into the experience.

Q: Are there any benefits from such an experience?

A: Only those who have chosen to be guided into and partake of such an experience can have the very considerable benefits of a conscious experience and evaluation as further elaborated on in this section.

Q: What is the purpose of between lives Regression?

A: It can provide you with an opportunity to reconnect with your true essence, your non-physical or indestructible and infinitely powerful soul self and learn useful lessons for your present life and your soul’s advancement.

Q: What can be learned in a ‘Between Lives’ session?

A: An LBL session provides a unique conscious experience of the following.

The sensation of experiencing your non-physical, indestructible, infinitely powerful soul self

We review our performance and evaluate the lessons after each lifetime. You become aware of and can take away the lessons learned.

We then consider a future new lifetime to pursue the further learning.

Q: What is experienced emotionally during an LBL regression?

A: One experiences:

a sense of profound curiosity

an expansive sense of being eternal

the sense of being an incredible spiritual power

the immense joy of connecting with the oneness of all creation.

Q: How does it work technically speaking?

A: It is simply an expansion of consciousness and a powerful sensation of being infinite. It is also a connection to understanding beyond the filters of conscious comprehension. Ayahuasca is the only other way I am aware of that can provide a somewhat similar but not the same quality of a ‘Between Lives’ experiences.

Q: Do I sleep through this regression when I am hypnotized?

A: No. Hypnosis is an enhanced, expanded and heightened state of waking awareness and is therefore the opposite to sleep. It is the truest and most natural high.

Q: How long does this LBL session last for?

A: It depends on the individual session but most sessions last for approximately one-hours duration.

Q: What kind of information can I get?

A: A vast amount of information not otherwise available, depending on your questions and requirements as explained elsewhere in this Q. and A. section. Each life and ‘Between Life’ experiences accounts for numerous experiences and lessons individual to each person.

Q: What does LBL regression offer in the way of exploration and understanding?

A: During hypnosis, the subconscious mind opens the gateway to:

  • the infinity of consciousness
  • experiencing the powerful sensation of being infinite
  • lessons from the most recent previous life
  • lessons from other past lives
  • spirit or soul lessons and history
  • interaction potential to positive guidance from spirit realms

It can also provide:

  • great clarity
  • important gems concerning your birth
  • early childhood memories
  • recall of lessons learned
  • the death process and the journey beyond
  • the experience of being your own Judge
  • the experience of your soul’s reception into its eternal home
  • an overview of all your experiences.

Q: What else can we gain from an LBL regression?

A: It can provide you with the opportunity to externally review your current life and the stage of it you are at right now with a view to making beneficial adjustments. It can also enable you to engage in the process of selecting your next life experience.

Q: Can I repeat this regression?

A: Yes, and as many times as you like but each one will be an entirely new experience of exploration and discovery. Leave sufficient time between sessions to truly evaluate and integrate the lessons or learning from each experience. Remember the past is behind you so it is not a roadmap for your future. It can and does give you clarity and valuable insights as you move forward into new destinations, opportunities and challanges with increased confidence.

Q: Am I ready to experience and explore my Past Lives and LBL experiences?

A: Your mere curiosity about it suggests that you are. However, to find out more call me for a free online consultation…

© Thomas Ryan