Total Mind Dynamics

Total Mind Dynamics is my unique combination of therapeutic processes and excellence development at the levels of mind, body and emotions to stream line existing models in combination with the development of new models to give you the optimum, world class therapy experience and results available anywhere on this planet. It comprises of an individually tailored Programme of therapy, conducted […]

Buteyko / PneumoDynamics

The conventional Buteyko Breathing Method is a Programme developed by Russian Respiratory professor Konstantin Buteyko to recondition patients’ breathing volume to normal levels. Having studied, researched and used this method himself and with many clients Tom has augmented the technique into a simpler and more effective model which he calls PneumoDynamics. What is involved is an examination of your predominant […]

NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming

Co-Created by Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder in the late 1970s, the processes and techniques used in NLP are being continually updated and refined ever since. NLP is a collection of linguistic tools that communicate in a congruent way that removes incongruent habits, patterns and programs and creates models for achieving new ways of learning and […]

Is Hypnosis Safe?

Absolutely! Hypnosis is a natural and safe therapeutic technique that has been used for centuries to help individuals overcome challenges and improve well-being. Contrary to common myths, you remain fully aware and in control during a hypnosis session. A trained hypnotherapist guides you into a deeply relaxed state, where your mind is more open to […]

Experience Life Between Lives

What is Life Between Lives Regression, what does it do and what are its benefits? Life Between Lives is an additional ‘place’ of exploration during a Past Life Regression session. It provides you with the opportunity to access, experience and review spiritual wisdom related to your personal experiences through and between many lives. There, you […]

Life Between Lives

What is Life Between Lives Regression, what does it do and what are its benefits? Life Between Lives is an additional ‘place’ of exploration during a Past Life Regression session. It provides you with the opportunity to access, experience and review spiritual wisdom related to your personal experiences through and between many lives. There, you […]

Experience Past Life Regression

What is Past Life Regression? What does it do and what are its benefits? If you believe your soul is eternal, that poses the question of when does eternity begin? Life is eternal which means that it has existed and continues to exist in infinity, that is since before the existence of time and for […]


Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change. With Hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behaviour and encourage mental and physical well-being. The mind is divided up into two parts; the conscious and the unconscious parts of the mind. You can think of the mind as being similar to an iceberg. The smaller part […]

Can you be hypnotised?

Why should you consider Hypnosis? Hypnosis has been used by famous and professional athletes for more than hundred years Hypnotherapy is the most effective method for achieving better sport results  No drugs and doping, Better concentration and focus Better breathing and more power 100% safe and natural way Imagine taking a big bite from a […]