Asthma and allergies

Imagine allergies and asthma fully neutralised… it can be done!

Want to be completely asthma and alleries free and breathe comfortably?

Find out how to achieve this by reading this page

Asthma is not a disease. Asthma is a condition caused by hyperventilative breathing.

Asthma is nothing else than a habit of your mind and body, and like all habits- this one can also be changed!

ASTHMA free breathing methods can now be learned sucessfully.

No more huffing and puffing…no more choking for breath… no more coughing and wheezing… no more inhalers or nebulisers  and no more medicines and doctors. There is one easy method how to cure asthma – hypnosis.

Allergies can be also completely neutralised.

Life can become normal again… or indeed for the first time. Just think of it.  Drugs, pills, inhalers and other are just poisoning jour body and while they may offer you some immediate relief they offer no permanent solution, just more and greater breathing difficulty and harmful medication dependency.

If everybody else is getting enough air to breathe, so can you, with help.

The same amount of air is available to everyone.

Pneumodynamic or Buteyko Breathing and Hypnosis can give you a new ASTHMA free life.

Think of it… no more terrifying attacks and no more shortness of breath.
Likewise allergies are inappropriate programs which run at an unconscious level of our mind that produce allergic reactions. Once the underlying trigger event that gives rise to the reaction has been resolved the allergy disappears and no longer affects or bothers you in any way. allergies can be treated successfuly with hypnosis.
Reduction and elimination of asthma and / or allergy medication will always be done in consultation with your Doctor.

Look at all those people who are asthma free and how they breathe so comfortably and so easily. Look at all the things they can do without effort that you can’t do. It seems so unfair. However the same amount of air is available to you as to them. Learn how to breathe as easily and effortlessly as they do for a better life. You can soon have the same quality of breathing as they have. How will
your life be then?

Discover hypnosis and hypnotherapy

Hypnosis can help you permanently eliminate asthma and allergies!

Say goodbye to asthma and allergies for good!

Discover Hypnosis and Buteyko breathing therapy

Most of my clients totally eliminate asthma and allergies, permanently, without any need for drugs any more to control their asthma or allergies. They become medication free and asthma and allergies free instead.

Total Mind Dynamics and Tom Ryan have been treating all forms of asthma and allergies with hypnotherapy, NLP and Buteyko breathing for over 20 years.

Tom Ryan has created a powerful Hypnotherapeutic, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Buteyko treatment specially designed for those that want to permanently get rid of asthma and allergies and be more healthy.

All treatments are one-to-one confidential private basis and 100% sucessfull!

“All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.”