ADHD Can Now Be Successfully Treated and Eliminated Without Drugs
Many notable business leaders, athletes, musicians, and celebrities including Justin Timberlake, Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan, Simone Biles, and Adam Levin have been diagnosed with ADHD. You are in good company and it is no impediment to success. That why so many high-profile achievers are now publically embracing their ADHD diagnoses. The good news is that you can eliminate ADHD and keep all the benefits.
Researchers and medical professionals have as yet failed to identified the causes ADHD. They simply don’t understand it as it is a behavioural problem and not a disease. However, they have no problem labelling and often mislabelling children with it. So many children are then prescribed dangerous mind numbing drugs which can lead to brain developmental problems which are much worse than ADHD the problem they are trying to suppress rather than treat. Drug treatment is much worse than the problem.
It’s good to know that, as a parent, your child’s ADHD can be successfully and inexpensively treated and indeed eliminated without drugs and with no side effects. How is this done you may ask?
All ADHD sufferers have an overactive ‘fight or flight response’. Once that is ‘turned off’ or ‘normalised’ ADHD simply disappears. Professor Constantin Buteyko at the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow figured that out in the 1950’s and successfully treated ADHD with his Buteyko Method. Since this highly effective treatment didn’t involve drugs it was not promoted.
I am a certified Buteyko Practitioner and together with a specific hypnotic process I have developed a unique and highly successful treatment for normalising the ‘Fight or Flight Response’ and thus eliminating its ADHD symptom for good.
ADHD treatment has become a huge diagnostic and prescriptive industry and is now regarded as one of the commonest ‘neurodevelopmental’ disorders in children. According to the Centres for Disease Control, in children between the ages of 2 and 17 a figure of 7.2% globally have received an ADHD diagnosis.
The condition is usually diagnosed in childhood and if left untreated can continue into adulthood. Diagnosis without a successful treatment is simply ‘label dumping’ resulting in the stigmatisation and ‘victimhood’ of the sufferer.
Commonly regarded symptoms of ADHD include poor concentration, trouble paying attention, uncontrollable compulsive behaviours, frustration, temper outbursts, fidgeting, acting without thinking and of course being hyper active. It is a debilitating ‘out of control’ scourge of a condition that should not be left untreated.
It’s normal for children to have episodes of troublesome behaving and poor concentration. Children with ADHD however are out of control in this department and can’t control their behaviour and without intervention they rarely grow out of it. If not addressed, ADHD can cause difficulty at school and with study, disruption at home and may continue into adulthood leading to self-medication such as drug dependence and lifelong problems in the workplace and in relationships.
Childhood symptoms include lack of focus and concentration, disrupting, constantly forgetting and mislaying things, failure to sit still, rushing around all the time, outbursts of frustration, needless risk taking, succumbing to temptation and peer pressure, difficulty in relationships and friendships, Sleeping problems, anxiety and untidiness. All of those play havoc with one’s self esteem and self-image. The good news is of course that all of this can be effectively be eliminated with our unique and highly successful treatment.
It is claimed that ‘ADHD brains are wired differently. In other words, their brains are neurodivergent. Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average or “neurotypical” person. These brains present differences in social preferences, learning, communicating, or simply perceiving the environment.’ That is absolute and unsustainable unscientific rubbish. There is no evidence to suggest that the wiring of one’s brain results in ADHD but it is a great excuse for the failure to treat it. Suffers brains are simply working much faster (400%) than their peers as their ‘fight or flight response’ is constantly turned on which of course it can easily be turned off resulting in the elimination of ADHD.
In conclusion, if your child who has been ‘label dumped’ with ADHD they may grow into one of the world’s most talented musicians, outstanding scientists, record-breaking athletes, global entrepreneurs or technological geniuses. Why not eliminate all the downsides now and keep all the benefits with our treatment?