Experience Past Life Regression

What is Past Life Regression? What does it do and what are its benefits?

If you believe your soul is eternal, that poses the question of when does eternity begin? Life is eternal which means that it has existed and continues to exist in infinity, that is since before the existence of time and for ever. When our body dies our soul or spirit essence is pure energy and cannot die, expire or disappear. That is a scientifically accepted fact. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but it can change its form. When we leave this life and leave our body behind, the spirit or soul continues on its eternal journey. That poses the following questions.

  • Where have you been?
  • Who have you been?
  • What have you experienced?
  • What have you learned?
  • Where are you going to next?

You can now find the answers to those questions and much more with Past Life Regression and the Life Between Lives experience.

The experience of Past Life Regression:

  • Opens your mind to your limitless potential
  • Removes the fear of death and of fear itself
  • Removes negative programming, blocks and limitations
  • Enlightens and empowers you in this life
  • Starts you on a wonderful journey of self-discovery
  • Introduces or reconnect you with your spiritual centre or infinite being
  • Gives you a new and expanded sense of self and of everything
  • Integrates valuable past life experiences to enrich your present life
  • Reintroduces you to your invaluable talents and forgotten experiences
  • Reveals dormant talents and abilities that you can actualize and enrich your present life
  • Gives you understanding and resources change patterns, tendencies and behaviours
  • Connects you with spiritual understanding, guidance and direction
  • Connects you with your ‘blueprint’ for this lifetime and enables you to correct distortions
  • Connects you with universal wisdom, understanding and peace in your present life
  • Increases your overall confidence in this present life

Where does its information come from?

All of you’ve experiences in this life are stored in your subconscious and can be accessed and recalled to conscious awareness during Hypnotic Regression.

All your previous existences and memories are housed in your higher consciousness and can be recovered and brought to conscious awareness through Past Life Regression.

Benefits of Past Life Regression

The therapeutic benefits of past life regression can be numerous, transformative and healing. PLR can be therapeutic as well as connecting and providing you with your primary source of information and meaning. Whatever their genesis, the difficulties you may be experiencing in this life can be resolved right here in this life. However, for greater understanding you may want to regress to discover if they have had a past life component. This can clarify and give you greater understanding and peace of mind in the here and now.

Past-Life Therapy Can Help You to:

  • release old energetic blocks
  • generates a flow of mental and emotional clarity
  • reveal dormant experiences or abilities to achieve fulfilment and happiness in this life
  • release negative programming, beliefs, attitudes or emotions that dominate your life

Under our experienced professional guidance there are no downside or negative side effects.

Past Life Regression Q. and A.

Q: I am interested in Past Life Regression. How can it affect my present life, and my understanding of the bigger picture?

A: Your present life is but one chapter in the movie of your existence. All your life’s experiences in one sense or another contribute to your present life’s experience. Why wouldn’t you want to enrich your life with all available information? All actions, responses and reactions in your linear existence determines the quality of your present experiences. Knowledge is power.

Q: How does the memory work in relation to past lives?

A: Active conscious memory is only a tiny part of our complete consciousness. Our subconscious and unconscious however contain all and every past impression and experience (memory) of our entire existence which our waking mind cannot recall.

Past life regression is a gentle, natural and completely safe process and enjoyable experience. The subconscious and unconscious, the storehouses of past life memories under professional guidance will allow you to go as far as it needs to go.

Q: What do you mean by conscious, subconscious, unconscious and higher mind?

A: Those are areas of mind that are only accessable at different frequency levels. Like the notes on a piano each has its own frequency. Only one piano is being played for all those notes and only one mind is being accessed for all of those frequencies and the different layers of memories they contain. Those levels or frequencies of mind and their memories are accessed most effectively with hypnosis.

Q: Can I handle what is revealed?

A: The subconscious and unconscious only reveal past life memories that we are ready to deal with and are able to integrate into our conscious structure. I always guide my clients into a safe, comfortable and secure experiences. It’s much like selecting and watching a movie, but it’s a much richer experience because when you go deep enough, you feel everything. However, it is never scary or frightening no matter what you encounter. The mind always knows how to handle whatever is revealed.

Its awareness of the experience is on two levels:

  1. the connection with the present and the security of the therapist’s presence.
  2. the minds recollection and experience of a past life event which may or may not be targeted.

In another word, you are both here in the present and there in a past life simultaneously.

Q: During Past-Life Regression, is what comes up imagined or real?

A: The sum total of your ‘Past Life’ and ‘Between Lives’ experiences are contained in your subconscious and your unconscious. Neither is drawing from the creative imagination. The source of all stored experiences comes from within the subconscious and unconscious. Hypnosis connects with your subconscious and unconscious. It reveals what’s inside free from all judgement, distortions, embellishment, restrictions and conscious mind limitations. Only if the original input was distorted will the outcome be distorted. What is inside is what is outputted.

Q: How does hypnosis reveal ‘Past Life’ and ‘Between Lives’ experiences?

A:  Remembering or rather retrieving ‘Past Lives’ and ‘Between Lives’ experiences is like searching the subconscious and unconscious programming disks. Retrieving the file and the information requires the appropriate computer code that is not available consciously. Your mind has a unique filtering mechanism that only allows you to consciously recall or remember what is relevant to your present life and present circumstances. Hypnosis bypasses the limiting filters and can connect with and retrieve ‘Past Lives’ and ‘Between Lives’ experiences.

Q: How many sessions will I need to experience Past Life Regression?

A: For the rich experiences of ‘Past Life’ and ‘Between Lives’ one session is sufficient.

Balance, Understanding, Peace and Empowerment

Past Life Regression expands your understand of birth, life, death, reincarnation, karma and your place in it workings. It helps to free us from the traps and states of illusion. Re-experiencing a successful, happy and fulfilling past life can give you a sense of understanding, balance, peace and empowerment during present life difficulties with the realisation and understanding that they are temporary and will pass.

Overall Past Life Regression is a liberating, freeing and empowering experience that shows you the majesty and totality of your existence and the flowering of your infinite evolving soul.

© Thomas Ryan