Sleeping Problems?

Quality sleep is so important to our wellbeing and the quality of our lives that these conditions should be attended to as a matter of urgency.

Are you experiencing sleeping problems?

Find out how to get rid of sleeping problems and sleep like a baby

Sleeping Problems include: Insomnia, Snoring, Broken Sleep, Sleep Apnoea, Twitching Limbs, Nightmares and Toxic Sleep Syndrome

The quality of your life when you suffer from sleep problems is one of stress, irritation, tiredness, lack of concentration and the inability to deal with the requirements of the day. People with sleeping problems live in a constant state of misery.

INSOMNIA… is the inability to get to sleep because your mind is racing and you can’t switch off.

Insomnia can be dealt with effectively by using Hypnosis to access the part of the mind which is running the program that keeps one awake. That program can be changed. It’s a bit like a computer virus. Once removed or changed natural sleep patterns will return. This is usually a permanent solution.

SNORING… is unhealthy for the snorer and very irritating for a suffering partner. It can progress to Sleep Apnoea.

It can also be the destroyer of an otherwise good relationship. It’s a breathing aberration that can be quickly sorted out and eliminated for a better quality of life for everyone concerned.

BROKEN SLEEP… The precursor of Sleep Apnoea is the irritating experience of waking up several times during the night and finding it difficult to get back to sleep. 

SLEEP APNOEA… … is the experience of waking up usually suddenly and then not being able to get back to sleep.

It is poorly understood even by “Sleep Experts.” In its most acute form a person wakes up suddenly and often in a state of agitation or confusion. What really happens is that the person asleep is mouth breathing and often snoring. This has a hyperventilative effect. Carbon dioxide levels in the body become critically low. The sufferer may momentarily stop breathing altogether. The “Fight or Flight” mechanism is triggered sending a massive blast of adrenalin throughout the body. That will wake you up very fast. Sufferers can’t get back to sleep because this adrenalin rush is like having drunk six or more cups of strong black coffee. The solution is to re-program the mind and change the breathing patterns. Success rates are very high.

TWITCHING LIMBS… There are two primary causes of twitching limbs.

One is psychological and can be eliminated with one therapeutic session. The other is physical and needs the help of a health
professional such as a Chiropractor.

NIGHTMARES… Nightmares can be terrifying.

It’s like having a horror movie going on inside your head with you inside the horrifying experience. Recurring nightmares are usually caused by the unconscious mind trying to tell us something and we are not listening, not understanding or not responding. It can also be the re-experiencing of a trauma. Hypnosis for this like other sleep problems is the ideal solution and the mind can be put at rest and the problem disappears. The natural process and sleeping mechanism is restored and you then sleep peacefully until your allocated time to wake up in the morning, feeling refreshed, rested and well.

TOXIC SLEEP SYNDROME… This is the case of waking up in the morning feeling exhausted and often aching all over.

It is terribly debilitating. It is usually accompanied by snoring. Its causes are basicallythe same as those of Sleep Apnoea where in this instance the “Fight or Flight” mechanism is triggered several times during the night sending recurring blasts of adrenalin and cortisol throughout the body. You may or may not wake up during those episodes for a variety of reasons. Medication may prevent you from waking up as you would in Sleep Apnoea. This condition is as widespread as it is debilitating. The medical profession refuses to recognise this condition presumably because of its connection with medication. However sufferers recognise and identify with it instantly when it is described to them. Like with Sleep Apnoea the solution is to re-program the mind and change the breathing patterns. Success rates are very high. Normal sleep patterns are restored and you can again experience a peaceful night’s sleep and wake up in the morning, feeling rested and refreshed.

Discover hypnosis and hypnotherapy

Sleeping problems can be permanently eliminated with hypnosis.
Change the way you sleep!

Change your life today!

Cure sleeping problems for good

What you will experience is a new wave of positive energy every time you go to sleep and your will fall a sleep like a baby. Imagine waking up fully rested after a good night of sleep – every day!

Quality sleep is so important to our wellbeing and the quality of our lives that these conditions should be attended to as a matter of urgency. Without sleeping problems you can be more rested, positive, have better concentration and productivity.

Total Mind Dynamics and Tom Ryan have been treating all forms of sleeping problems with hypnotherapy and NLP for over 20 years.
Tom Ryan has created a powerful Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP program for the specialized treatment of all forms of sleeping problemss that can help you permanently cure your mind instantly so that you can start to live a new life with no sleeping problems.

All treatments are one-to-one confidential private basis and 100% sucessfull!

“All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.